We interviewed 100 women or people serving women living in Genesee County about the hopes, dreams, needs, and strengths of women in the county Community members and academic partners pulled out key themes. Complete results can be found here . Some community resources identified in the discussions are here . Brief summaries of answers to two questions are below.
Creating initiatives for Flint-area women
Everyone we interviewed is helping women in their own way, whether as a friend, a family member, a mentor, a pastor, by teaching practical skills, or by making things that other women need. We invited everyone who participated and others to come back together to hear the results and plan what we could do together to empower and assist women in Genesee County. This effort brings all of our talents and skills together on behalf of Flint-area women.
To be part of these initiatives and discussions to empower women in Genesee County, please reach out to us by completing this form and sending it to Morgan Flees . Contact us for questions, suggestions, and to be involved! We had an initial meeting on July 14th, 2018.
The Flint Women’s Study Community Action Network is a formal structured action council that meets to address needs and to support initiative and action items identified from the Flint Women’s Study. This platform serves to facilitate continued discussion around the ever-growing and evolving needs of the women of Flint and Genesee County.
The Flint Women’s Study Community Action Network Meetings
Fourth Thursday of the month from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm.
Location: The meetings will be held online.
Join by Zoom, Meeting ID: 921 8187 2908 or Dial: +1 646 876 9923
Join by Skype for Business.
The Flint Women’s Study Community Action Network Meeting Recordings
The Flint Women's Study Community Action Network Summit: Human Trafficking Virtual Conference
Questions? Email fleesmor@msu.edu or check out the Flint Women's Study Facebook page @flintwomensstudy.
The Flint Women's Study on Social Media:
Selected Publications:
Hailemariam, M., Felton, J.W., Key, K. et al. Intersectionality, special populations, needs and suggestions: the Flint Women’s study. Int J Equity Health 19, 18 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12939-020-1133-9
Megan Masten, Shayna Vega, Jennifer Johnson, Maji Hailemariam, Njeri Kagotho, Kent Key, Bernadel Jefferson, Janice Muhammad, Monicia Summers, Bryan Spencer, Sharon Sadler, DeWaun Robinson, Fallon Richie, Raven Miller, Jonne White McCoy & DeOnica Greer (2020). The Flint women’s study: community perspectives on contraception and family planning, sexuality education and barriers to reproductive health, Culture, Health & Sexuality, https://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2020.1746401
Hailemariam, M., Key, K., Jefferson, B.L., Muhammud, J., & Johnson, J.E. (2020). Community-Based Participatory Qualitative Research for Women: Lessons from the Flint Women's Study. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 14(2), 207-213. doi:10.1353/cpr.2020.0017.
Community partnership:
Our Executive Board consists of Dr. Jennifer Johnson, Dr. Kent Key, Dr. Maji Hailemariam, and Dr. Julia Felton of Michigan State University (MSU), and Flint community partners Bishop Bernadel Jefferson, Ms. Tonya Bailey, Ms. Kenyetta Dotson, and Mrs. Janice Muhammud. The study is community-friendly was approved by the Flint Community Ethics Review Board.
- Flint Women’s Study Full Results
- If you had one wish for every woman in the county, what would it be?
- Flint Genesee County Resources
- Additional Community Resources
- Serve Others, Hope and Dignity
- Find us on Social
The Flint Women's Study would like to pay tribute to our beloved matriarch, elder, sister, mentor, and friend, Dr. E. Hill De Loney, who passed away on May 9, 2024. She pioneered the field of community-based participatory research. She shaped the foundation of our community-partnered Department. "Dr. De Loney is the reason I came to Flint as our first research faculty member. She was fearless and tireless in advocating for justice, fighting injustice, building up the youth of Flint, and promoting equity through a better understanding of African history. Her legacy can’t be overestimated. We love her and echo her saying, 'The universe in me calls out to the universe in you – We are one,'” said Jennifer Johnson, Chair of the Charles Stewart Mott Department of Public Health.
The Flint Women's Study would like to announce with deep sorrow the loss of one of our community partners, Pastor Pamela Lockhart. This isn't just a tremendous loss for the Flint Women's Study, but for the entire Flint community. Pastor Lockhart was known to always lend a helping hand. She cared about everyone and had a passion for helping those in need. Around every labor day weekend, she held an annual barbeque that she started over 20 years ago to help feed the homeless. She was interviewed by the Flint Journal in 2010, saying, she started the barbecue as a way to help the homeless. Lockhart said she was homeless in 1994 when the apartment she was living in was sold from underneath her. “I can’t stop this,” Lockhart said. “I have to help. Everybody’s not homeless because they’re mentally ill, ... lazy,” she said. Pastor Pamela Lockhart was also a pastor at Compassion of Jesus Ministries, where she was known for singing like an angel. She had made such an impact on the Flint community. She will be deeply missed. Our condolences go out to her family, friends, and everyone that had the pleasure of knowing her.
The Flint Women Study (FWS) would like to pay tribute to the memory of Sister Janice Muhammad. Mrs. Muhammad was an Executive Committee member and Community Partner for the Flint Women’s Study. Her dedication to the health and well-being of the Flint Community was unparalleled. The impact she has made over the past decades in partnering with and promoting research, programs, and interventions as a celebrated member of the Community Based Organization Partners (CBOP) was tremendous. She was an organizer of the Flint Juneteenth and Kwanzaa Celebrations and a dedicated community activist. During the FWC, Mrs. Muhammad worked with CBOP and other community groups to deliver water to the elderly and homebound. She used her own resources before any outside support came into the city. On behalf of the Flint Women’s Study, we pause to honor, her life and legacy and extend our sincere condolences to her family.
Our team is committed to respect for people of all races, colors, genders, religions, national origins, sexual orientations, history of criminal involvement, marital status, disability, height, weight, veteran status and age. We support Michigan State University’s goal of increasing diversity, ensuring equity, promoting inclusion, and enhancing outreach and engagement. Our work seeks to address structural racism and sexism, empower the unempowered, and elevate community and patient contributions to solutions.