Academic Specialist-Research
Dr. McCoy White is an academic research specialist coordinating community-partnered anti-racism interventions. She supports Flint community members on Dr. Jennifer Johnson’s and Dr. Steve Ondersma’s teams. She works on the Maternal Health Multilevel Intervention for Racial Equity (MIRACLE) study, an NIH-funded multilevel intervention study on African American maternal morbidity and mortality in Genesee and Kent Counties. Dr. McCoy White also facilitates the testing of vaccine promotion content in ongoing implementation contexts. She is developing a series of computer-delivered messages, videos, and micro-interventions designed to promote the vaccination of pregnant patients for COVID-19, and newborn infants following CDC and AAP guidelines.
Dr. McCoy White previously worked as the Community Outreach Program Specialist for the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Flint campus. In this capacity, she was instrumental in multiple ways. First, was the recruitment of volunteer physician preceptors. Second, in getting medical students actively involved in the Flint Community. Lastly, she was facilitating the Missouri Community Action Poverty Simulation for MSU medical students, University of Michigan Flint nursing students, and residents from three health care facilities.
Selected Publications:
Johnson, J. E., Roman, L., Key, K. D., Vander Meulen, M., Raffo, J. E., Luo, Z., Margerison, C. E., Olomu, A., Johnson-Lawrence, V., McCoy White, J., & Meghea, C. Study protocol: The Maternal Health Multilevel Intervention for Racial Equity (Maternal Health MIRACLE) Project. Contemporary Clinical Trials, Volume 120, September 2022, 106894 .
Hailemariam, M, Bustos, T.E., Felton, J.W., Key, K., Greer, D., Jefferson, B.L., Miller, R., Richie, F., Summers, M., McCoy White, J., & *Johnson, J.E. (2022). Belonging to something greater than self: Flint women giving back to the community. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action. https://preprint.press.jhu.edu/pchp/preprints/belonging-something-greater-self-flint-women-giving-back-community
Sneed, R., Hailemariam, M., Key, K. D., Jordan, T., Richie, F., Saddler, S., Spencer, B., Summers, M., White, J. M., & *Johnson, J. E. (2021). Developing and maintaining intergenerational relationships in an economically vulnerable community: Findings from the Flint Women’s Study. Journal of Women & Aging
Masten, M., Vega, S., Hailemariam, M., Kagotho, N., Key, K., Jefferson, B., Muhammad, J., Summers, M., Spencer, B., Robinson, D., Richie, F., Miller, R., McCoy White, J., Greer, D., and *Johnson, J.E. (2020). The Flint Women’s Study: Community perspectives on contraception and family planning, sexuality education, and barriers to reproductive health. Culture, Health, and Sexuality, Jun 2, 1-15.
Hailemariam, M., Felton, J.W., Key, K., Greer D., Jefferson, B.L., Muhammad, J., Miller, R., Richie, F., Robinson, D., Saddler, S., Spencer, B., Summers, M., McCoy White, J., & *Johnson, J.E. (2020). Intersectionality, special populations, needs and suggestions: The Flint Women’s Study. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1), 18. PMC6995063.
To request a comprehensive CV summarizing Dr. McCoy White’s achievements, please email her at mccoyjon@msu.edu.