There is a growing body of evidence that the built environment influences the health of the people who live there. Robert Glandon, an instructor in MSU’s online Master of Public Health Program, says that people who live in communities with access to healthy foods; quality, affordable housing; good schools; and safe places to play, are healthier than those who don't.
What makes a mid-sized city like Flint less strong economically and less healthy from a public health perspective? A recent study led by Michigan State University researcher and assistant professor, Richard Sadler, found that five geographic characteristics can explain why some cities are more economically vulnerable and their residents less healthy than others.
MSU researchers, led by Mieka Smart, assistant professor, examined academic achievement and attendance for the 21 schools within the boundaries of Flint and found evidence that school neighborhoods may impact academic achievement. The implication is that efforts undertaken to improve physical and social conditions of a neighborhood might have this amazing unintended benefit—improvement in academic achievement for the kids who go to school there.
Flint Lead Free has released its 2021 report with the goal of sharing the widespread community efforts to reduce lead exposure, highlighting progress from new investments and partnerships, and demonstrating the positive impact on the Flint community. A workgroup of the Flint Registry, Flint Lead Free, is a multidisciplinary group of partners—including Flint residents, nonprofits, landlords, governmental agencies, and more—all striving to make Flint a lead-free city.