Rodlescia Sneed is making a two-year commitment to engage in National Institutes of Health health disparities research in exchange for loan repayment for her graduate education. In her public health work, Sneed assesses how stress and social relationships impact health.
Amy Saxe-Custack is dedicated to the evaluation and expansion of nutrition programs that target children and families living in Flint, with a focus on improving access to fresh foods. Much of her work examines the impact of a fruit and vegetable prescription program for pediatric patients.
Attention black men, don't miss out on getting mental health help. Woody Neighbors asks African American men to talk to someone about what’s really goin’ on. “If you feel something, say something.” Try not to catch Tough Guy Syndrome. Be healthy not tough.
Debra Furr-Holden joins the College of Human Medicine’s dean’s executive team as the associate dean for public health integration. An epidemiologist by training, her research aims to ameliorate behavioral health inequities.
Vicki Johnson-Lawrence talks to ABC News about the impact of the Flint Water Crisis. Her research embraces a health equity framework and examines ways in which the mental and physical health of residents in vulnerable communities are impacted by complex stressors.
Flint ReCAST hosts "Shine Your Light" Resiliency Week and Environmental Justice Summit. This is a free family-friendly event for Flint-area residents and professionals, March 27 - 30.
Every year in the U.S., colorectal cancer claims more lives than traffic accidents. Todd Lucas is working to improve colorectal cancer screening and prevent needless loss of life from cancer.
On Friday, March 15, 2019, the Healthy Flint Research Coordinating Center brings together researchers and practitioners to share public health research findings.
Of the 4 million prisoners released each year, 23 percent suffer from major depressive disorder. Due to resource shortages, many go without adequate treatment while in prison.
In a recent article in the New York Times, Jennifer Johnson, C.S. Mott Foundation endowed professor, talks about lowering the risk of postpartum depression and the ROSE Sustainment study.
Mona Hanna-Attisha talks about the Flint Registry at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She is a voice for childhood lead prevention and lead hazard elimination.
Flint nutrition prescription program, where fruits and vegetables are prescribed to young patients, expands nationally as a result of the recently signed U.S. Farm Bill by President Trump.